image with the word fail

2018 UX Fail collection

It’s that time of the year

As December runs out and we are about to hit the bottom of the barrel, it is time for me to collect all those instances through the year where I noticed UX hitting the bottom of the barrel.

The horrible The Guardian redesign

The Guardian redesigned everything. The result looked like User Experience was torn into pieces, a clown jumped in, colored them and then put them in front of a fan. Nothing seemed in the right place, too many colors are flying around and this whole thing does not make a mess. It took some months before they took back some changes and things became bearable again.

The Snapchat UX randomiser

In February Snapchat decided to commit suicide. Right from the start UX was laughed at, disregarding the basics in favour of uniqueness. That trail of thought can only take you so far though. Following the path of Foursquare, Snapchat commited suicide by design. It disregarded the Users so much that they got hate feedback from celebrities.

Of course they took back some changes,but it was too late.

The multi-million SpareRoom website with the Google Settings UX

This is what happens when a business like SpareRoom has organic growth yet someone forgot to hire and listen to UX people.

The reference tool for Design professionals, Photoshop.

This error message can keep your interest high while photoshoping another celebrity’s face to perfection.

Suspense, the Norwegian way

I received this message from Norwegian airlines. I didn’t have to open it, I knew what it was about before even reading it.

LinkedIn, consistency out

Two drop-down menus, side by side presented in a different way (one with icon, one plain text). On top of that, this is a drop down menu with 2 options. Oh, LinkedIn….

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Killing me softly with SAP

Concur from SAP is killing me slowly for years now, just like TALEO. Here is another stabbing I encountered.

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It’s a hard error life

WhatsApp error handling?

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Who are you?

If you don’t answer this, Morning Star will send the cops to your door.

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Radio Goo Goo

Check the radio button? Really Twitter?

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Wait, what?

I don’t feel I am being understood from Viber anymore…

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Restroom talking

I would prefer not to comment any further on this one

The persistent address with EE

This one is more CX than UX, yet, it’s 2018 and theses things should not be issues. I upgraded my phone, I set an address for delivery. The delivery did not happen as promised and I was no longer available at that address after that date. I had to cancel the upgrade as the only way to have the device delivered to a new address!

On a positive note, EE Customer Service recognised the issue and offered compensation.

Looking forward to 2019 UX fails 🙂

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